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2021 End Of The Year Healing

  • Spiritual Doctor AFI (map)

2022 HERE WE COME!!!

Soul Familyyyy….. Are you getting ready to welcome 2022??? I hope you are. But I’m wondering. How are you preparing to embrace this new upcoming year? As I too ponder on this very important question, I can not help but to think of the Yorùbá Òrísha Oshósi / Ọ̀ṣọ́ọ̀sì. The skillful hunter who never misses his prey once he has set his eyes on it. But the real question is: How is it he never ever misses and always hits the mark with his arrow. Well, according to Yorùbá cosmology, Oshósi is said to spend a long time studying every aspect of his prey. From his preys' migratory patterns and habits to its’ droppings and behavior, Oshósi closely examines his prey for however long it takes in order to not miss when he is ready to hunt it down. What is needed for such a successful hunt? Patience, Persistence, Determination, Perseverance and Commitment.

Imagine if we were to be as patient, persistent, determined and committed with our dreams, goals and aspirations in life. We would be not just unstoppable, but a true force to be reckoned with. Spirit’s question to you today is, how patient are you? How persistent are you really? How determined have you been? And how committed are you on reaching your highest potential? This is the attitude and tools you need to make 2022 one of your most memorable years. At times this is hard because we are carrying mental dead weight, emotional dead weight, physical dead weight as well as spiritual dead weight. Make a decision to free yourself from mental stressors which occupy the space of creativity, growth, abundance and true joy. Take time to be patient with your goals and desires. Possessing such patience will then allow you to build the persistent attitude you will need to make it happen. Once persistence shows up, be determined to not give up. Once determination is all onboard, commit yourself to study the ins and outs of all you will need to achieve your most desired goals. Right now your discouragement and frustration, added with past failed attempts might make you feel like it is impossible or not even worth trying anymore, but I assure you none of these low frequency thoughts are true. They are nothing but very low vibrations whose desire is to keep you stuck, confused and discouraged. Imagine if Oshósi was as desperate as we seem to be in this era. Imagine if he became easily discouraged because he was not able to catch his prey as quickly as he would want. Obviously, he would not be the adept hunter he is known to be.

Spirit says, you are not inadequate nor a failure, as you might think sometimes. You are simply not patient. Remember, according to Spirit’s message today and studying the unique qualities of the skillful Òrísha hunter, Oshósi, patience is skillset number one. When we lack this, we seem to throw persistence, determination, perseverance and commitment, out the window. Are there things you must change in your attitude, thought process and approach in order to manifest your dreams? The time to start implementing these changes, is now!

Hey, while I have your attention; Don’t miss out on this coming Friday’s End Of The Year Healing. If we want to start off the year with the big BAM, we too must close out this year with the BAM it deserves for allowing us to see the end of this 2021. Whether it was the best year, an ok kind of year or the worst ever, we must still be grateful to have been able to get through it alive. On this coming Friday the 17th, at 4:00pm (PST), a deeply sacred day for the Afro-Cuban community as well as for many around the world for being the feast day of Saint Lazarus, let us set the right tone needed to be geared up to start our new year on the right foot. This End Of The Year Healing promises to cleanse dead energy, unwanted negative vibrations and frequencies of stagnation that have delayed our success, growth, prosperity and happiness. All you need to do is show up.

This will be an online event which means you have no excuse to not show up. To sign up, send your $55 donation via Zelle to: and upon doing so, you must also send me an email to with your full name and contact number. I am not responsible for you not receiving the zoom link to the event if you fail to email me. There will be NO REFUNDS under any circumstances. If you need to make your donation via another form of payment, email me. I’m looking forward to connecting with you this coming Friday as we release all that is unwanted and get ready to embrace 2022.

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Earlier Event: November 6
Later Event: April 16