Spiritual healing and rituals during pregnancy have been around for hundreds of years throughout different cultures. From traditional African practices to South American shamanic customs, and from Caribbean Spiritualists to European healers, the tradition of prepping a mother-to-be and protecting the life it holds inside her womb, has been a worldwide recognized goal.
So many different factors can affect the unborn child and it is important that you as a carrier of sacred life, continuously cleanse the way so that its’ arrival is one filled with love, peace, wholeness, and as much happiness as possible. During a pregnancy, women can be negatively affected by things such as jealousy, envy, curses, lack of support, lower level energies that uninvitedly latch on, to much more severe concerns like ancestral baggage, generational curses, ill-intended witchcraft, a bad romantic relationship, heartbreak, depression, and so on.
Believe it or not, a fetus can hear and identify sounds as it forms inside its’ mother’s sacred womb. Science even confirms the fetus can understand the sounds it hears from inside this blessed chamber to the point it can retain memories of them after birth. These sound-processing parts of the fetus’s brain activate in the last trimester of a women’s pregnancy. Sounds and all kinds of noise easily travels across the mother’s abdomen. So even though it’s obvious a baby does not start talking inside a mother’s womb and isn’t born talking either, we can say the vibrations of words spoken when it’s growing inside the belly are being well registered by the fetus and is remembered/recognized by the baby once it’s born. It is detrimental to the upbringing of a child what he/she experiences while inside the womb. The lack of love (self-love), the drama, negative noise, abuse, neglect, anger, arguments, and so on, the pregnant woman experiences, is being recorded by your soon to be baby. Protection and love does not start when the child enters this world. It starts while inside you.
This particular style of spiritual healing, helps protect the unborn child from all above mentioned spiritual and social maladies. It is geared to break curses that have been directed at you and/or the child in the womb. During this healing session, Spirit is also assisting in helping you create a stronger bond with your unborn child, due away with fears that oftentimes comes along with becoming a mother, thus allowing a deeper sense of calm and positivity to take place for both you and your unborn child. Creating a spiritual protective shield for mother and child, as well as preparing for a strong and healthy arrival, is the goal.
Fee: $250