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Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony 5th Annual Event!!!!

My Soul Family, and here we are again. I have the honor to bring back this year’s 5th Annual Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony! I can’t believe we’ve been honoring our ancestors and healing ancestral trauma for 5 years in a row now. As you have heard me say many times in the past, in order for us to understand where we are at and where we are going, we must look at where we come from. If things we have done and have been subjected to in our current existence has an effect on how our life plays out on a day to day basis, then it’s safe to say that what our ancestors endured and their personal life experiences, also has a huge effect on how we live our life today. Ancestral healing is not just exclusive to traumatic experiences and tragedy. Ancestral healing also encompasses all that is of lack in nature, mental health, emotional health, physical health and financial health. Oftentimes, things occur to you which make no sense and it brings forth much pain and suffering into your life, not knowing that perhaps you are dragging along the energy of a story that did not start with you. Your life experiences could be attached to unhealed ancestral trauma and generational curses that is contributing to much distress and influencing your life in a negative way today. Spirit invites you to dive into this healing work to release and usher out of your life all sorts of blocks that continues to interfere with your blessings. 

As always, the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony will be completely guided by Spirit and I will only be the voluntary vessel facilitating this highly vibrational ELEVATION. When I say “guided by Spirit”, it means that this is not any kind of religious ceremony, but rather, a spiritual elevation curated by my Spirit guides. Spirit is always consulted with to receive the healing downloads that will allow the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony to be what your inner-spirit needs for it to be, for you! Much hard work and dedication is put into this yearly elevation and for that reason, this is why it’s only done once a year. 

This magical experience will take place online on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 at 3:00pm (PST). I stress the fact that slots are limited and will run out quickly. A custom-made candle will be created for each person that signs up. This will not be a generic candle. It will be custom-made, dressed, anointed and blessed with your chosen deceased loved ones and ancestor’s names. All items necessary will be provided. If you have participated in any of the previous Ancestral Healing ceremonies in previous years, you might be asking yourself if you need to (or should you) participate again in this year’s ceremony. The answer is yes. Ancestral healing is not a one time deal and we can always honor our Ancestors and deceased loved ones. More on this latter part down below in the Q & A. 

Upon registering, you will be required to email me your full birth name and that of your family name. You can also provide the name(s) of deceased loved ones (UP TO THREE ONLY) who you know has had an impact on your family’s history. Ex: family members who you know had major hardships; committed suicided; suffered from depression (mental health); had a tragic death (whether accidental or was murdered); women in your family who had miscarriages; women in your family who endured abuse; family members who suffered from addictions; veterans; family members you know were cursed and/or dealt with curses; deceased loved ones who departed while you were in bad terms with them; and but not limited to, family members who were known to have a violent nature. What about if you don’t have such knowledge about your family history, either because you were adopted, or estranged from your family, or simply don’t know any of the backstories, yes you can still participate in the Ancestral Healing ceremony. Especially if you see the sufferings and hardships you are going through and have no logical explanations as to why your life is the way it is. Lastly, this ceremony is entitled, Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony, but this is also a ceremony to “honor” your ancestors and deceased loves ones. Maybe you don’t have such a history of trauma, violence, suicide and so on, but you simply want to honor your ancestors and deceased loved ones for all the good they did and the way they continue to support you from their heavenly resting place.

This Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony will mainly consist of prayers and spiritual chants. Most of the prayers are specific ones used within the practice of Spiritism (Espiritismo) to help deceased loved ones and ancestors elevate. Specific messages from ancestors and/or deceased loved ones can come through but it is NOT to be expected on your part. This ritual is not an individual reading. This is all about elevation, healing and assisting the departed ones in doing away with the curse(s) and ancestral trauma that continues to consciously/unconsciously afflict your life.

Upon signing up for the Ancestral Healing Elevation Ceremonyl, you are to send an email to INFO@SPIRITUALDOCTORAFI.COM with your full birth name, your biological mother’s maiden last name and your biological father’s last name. Lastly, the names of the three (ONLY THREE) ancestors or deceased loved ones you want to include in this year’s ceremony. Next to each name, you are to write a very brief (not a paragraph and not a story) description of what their ailments, sufferings or blessings were. And lastly, you are to also include a brief petition. Nothing that exceeds more than 5 sentences. Your petition means, what is it you wish to release from your life. What karmic and ancestral burdens are you looking to heal from and elevate.


I participated in last year’s Ancestral Healing Elevation Ceremony. Do I have to participate (or can I participate) in this year’s ceremonyl also? 

You don’t have to, but you most definitely can if you choose to. It would still be beneficial for you. As stated above, ancestral healing is not a cut and dry nor a one time deal. We are speaking of generations after generations of God only knows how much trauma. All this, is a heavy bag of potatoes you invisibly carry around but that you heavily feel everyday of your life. Moreover, this ritual though entitled Ancestral Healing Ritual, is not exclusive to just healing. This is also about honoring your loving departed ones and continuing to foster a healthy relationship with your ancestors so that they may continue to have eternal light and be of support and guidance to you. 

What can I expect from this ritual? 

You can expect to be reconnected with the self. What does this mean? Due to the countless of spiritual burdens, unfinished business, trauma, generational curses we drag and deal with (consciously and unconsciously), it makes it difficult for us to be connected with our true self in this current existence. We wake up every morning attempting to do our best while still feeling misguided, short-changed and mistreated by life. We lack the right focus necessary to uplift our life. From this Ancestral Healing Ritual, you can expect to be connected with your ancestors on a deeper level.

You can also expect to feel a deeper sense of calm and a release of emotional burdens with departed loved ones that left too soon and unexpectedly: As well as with those whom left on bad terms with you. This Ancestral Healing Ritual offers you a sense of closure where needed. You can expect to clear away known and unknown curses that have afflicted your family lineage.

When can I expect results?

It can happen instantaneously for some, but for most it will unfold like an onion over the course of weeks or months. Spiritual work is oftentimes not an overnight miracle and it can not be treated as if taking Tylenol for a headache. Some deceased loved ones spiritual burdens, trauma and curses are more difficult to break than for others. But this is sure the beginning in helping them and most importantly you, in being able to start to free your lineage, your name, from negative and burdensome contracts.

How do I prepare for the ritual?

For spiritual work on this level, it is advised you wear white if you can or at least light colors (BLACK IS NOT ADVISED). You are also invited to take a spiritual bath. Preferably, what’s called a white bath which consists of white flowers of your choice (white roses, carnations or pom-poms), florida water or a spiritual cologne of your choice, cascarilla powder (a cleansing and protection powder which is made from ground-up egg shells, great for warding off negative vibrations) and holy water (if you have access to it, if not it’s ok). You can do this bath on the Thursday of the week of the Ancestral Elevation Healing Ritual as well as on the night before the spiritual elevation. 

If you have a spiritual altar at home (you don’t have to for this ritual), it is advised you make sure your altar is clean and freshly attended to for this ritual. You might want to take care of your spiritual altar the night before. On the day of, sit by your altar and set your intention by way of prayer or meditation. Make sure you have a good night’s sleep on the night before the Ancestral Healing Ritual. 

Must I have a spiritual altar for this ritual?

The answer is no. You do not have to have a spiritual altar but, if you don’t have one, I invite you to buy fresh flowers (preferably white or specific flowers you know your ancestor(s)/deceased loved one(s) you are connecting to liked), put up a clear glass filled with fresh water and light a white candle in the name of your ancestor(s) and/or deceased loved one(s) you will be connecting with on the day of the spiritual ritual. You can burn incense to set the tone and put into practice whatever customs you have that helps you connect with your spirituality. 

I don’t live in my house and where I stay at I don’t have real privacy. Can I still benefit from this ritual?

Yes you can. If you are in a place where you have no privacy and will be difficult for you to join the ritual live, you can still benefit from the Ancestral Healing Ritual. I invite you to consider going to the park or somewhere in nature where you will feel safe. Take your headsets/headphones with you so you can tune-in better. Also, consider asking someone you trust and get along with if you can drop by on the day of the Ancestral Ritual in hopes you can have some privacy to attend the Ancestral Healing Ritual live. 

I  have to work on the day of the ritual. Does it make a difference if I am not present during the livestream? Will it still be beneficial for my ancestors and me?

My preference would be that you participate in the livestream and are present for the ritual. But I can’t tell you your ancestors and deceased loved ones won’t receive the elevation ceremony. This kind of spiritual elevation can take place without you being present. As my Godfather use to say, Spirit has no boundaries. Meaning, when those prayers are being said and the ritual takes place, the Ancestors and deceased loved ones will receive it. 

What time is the ceremony and how long does it last? 

The elevation ceremony will be at 3:00pm (Pacific Standard Time). Spiritual work of this nature can’t be timed but be mentally ready to give yourself between two hours to two hours and a half for this ritual event. 

Will there be a replay?

Yes, a replay will be available.

Do I have to be physically available at the time of the ceremony?

No you don’t, as you will still experience its benefits despite time and space. But I recommend to be available to connect with your ancestors and your intention if possible at the time of the ceremony. Besides, why wouldn’t you want to be present for such an experience your life has been needing for such a long time? Make time for yourself and prioritize your needs and life.

What if I have all the intention of being part of the ceremony live and I encounter an emergency and can’t be there?

If for whatever reason, you encounter a last minute unforeseen situation or experience an emergency, trust and believe the ceremony will be carried out successfully and your ancestors (deceased loved one) will receive the benefits of the elevation and so will you. 

Will a refund be issued if I can’t make the livestream or an emergency comes up?

Refunds WILL NOT be issued under any circumstances. Once you sign up I will be preparing the necessary items for the spiritual ritual and therefore because of the time and energy invested (which is a lot), refunds will not be issued under any circumstance. The ritual in your ancestor(s) and/or deceased loved one(s) name will be carried out. 

Do’s and Don’ts for petitions:

You cannot ask ancestors to keep or persuade a man or woman to be with you against their will. You are wasting your time. You can ask for love, marriage and children to secure your bloodline and lineage for the best and highest good of all involved. You cannot ask your ancestors to harm someone on your behalf, even when such person has hurt you deeply. You cannot take this time to ask your ancestors if your ex is still in-love with you or if your current partner is cheating on you. This ritual is intended to rewrite your soul contract, clear you from curses that started before you were born and situations that afflict your life, cleanse you from curses you picked up while in your mother’s womb and but not limited to, bring wholeness, clarity and strength into your life. 

What’s involved in the elevation ceremony?

There will be spiritual esoteric work to facilitate this ceremony prior to the actual date of the Ancestral Healing Elevation Ceremony. That, I will not divulge. But I will say this work requires my mediumship, prayers, incantations, ancestral knowledge, and chants. Your custom loaded candle and your petition will be included and printed out to work with. 

Why should I do this ceremony?

The time period in which the ceremony will be facilitated on is the best for such an elevation. By then, we’ll be in Scorpio season and will allow a deeper connection and access to the Spirit world. This ceremony is important for being able to flip the old page and be able to start a new chapter in your life. The Ancestral Healing Elevation Ceremony will offer you a deeper sense of awareness about your life, reconnect you with your goals and purpose (or assist you in revealing to you what those are). 

What is All Souls Day?

All Souls' Day, also called The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, is a day of prayer and remembrance for the faithful departed ones, and it is observed on November 2nd. Through prayer, intercessions, alms and visits to cemeteries, people commemorate the poor souls in purgatory. All Souls’ Day is all about the members of your own family and family tree as well. This year, we have the blessing of carrying out the Ancestral Healing Elevation Ceremony on the actual day of All Souls Day. A super energetically charged day.

What if I don’t know specific stories and names of deceased loved ones or ancestors who might be affecting my life negatively? Will this ritual still be beneficial for me?

It most definitely will. What is most important is the intention. You may not necessarily know where the curse started nor whom it started with, but your inner-spirit does. Also keep in mind that, the fact that you are aware your life is afflicted by circumstances beyond your comprehension and no matter what you do nothing seems to work, is a clear sign that Ancestral Healing work is much needed in your life.

What if I’m adopted and don’t know my real lineage name or I was given a different name by my adoptive parents and don’t even know my real birth name? Will this ritual still be beneficial for me?

It will definitely still be beneficial for you. I once again reference the response to the above question. It also applies to this one. In this case, make sure to let me know via email of your adoptive situation.

What is mediumship?

Mediumship is a level above what is commonly referred to as a psychic. All psychics aren’t necessarily mediums but all mediums are indeed psychics. While a psychic uses his/her intuitive abilities to connect with a person’s past, present and/or future, a medium sees the past, the present and/or the future. Mediums connect with external energies and vibrations outside of themselves in order to receive clear messages from the Spirit world. Specifically, mediumship is ones ability to connect with deceased loved ones and deliver messages to their descendants and offsprings. A medium also has the ability to assist the deceased in ascending into the heavenly realms. Helping them accept their new state and supporting them in their elevation into their peaceful resting place.

When is the last day to sign up?

OCTOBER 18th, is the cut-off date


Ancestral Healing Ritual Fee: $222 (NON REFUNDABLE)

PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE: A non-refundable downpayment of $123.50 will secure your participation in the ceremony. The remaining balance is due by October 25th, 2024.


My experience with the Ancestral Healing Ritual was life-changing. I immediately felt the shift. Thank you so much.
— Rachel M.
I have never been so emotionally moved in my life. It was such a powerful ritual. It revealed so much to me and I now feel I can take control of my life. I am forever grateful to you Dr. Afi.
— Monica G.
Spiritual Doctor Afi, thank you for delivering such an outstanding ritual. My husband and I are changed for life. You have literally saved our marriage with this ritual.
— Crystal E.
I’ve waited a while to reach out on purpose. I needed time to process the ritual. So much calm and clarity, so much strength and so much peace. This is what the ancestral healing ritual has gifted me. I’ve been waiting 15 years to feel like this. THANK YOU!
— Cindy J.



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5:00 PM17:00

Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony 2023


Welcome Soul Family! If you are here, know it is no mistake and there’s no such thing as coincidences. What you thought about, was already planned by the Divine and now the Universe waits for you to get in alignment with a Divine plan fit just for you.

This year’s Ancestral Elevation Healing Ceremony promises to guide you in making one of the greatest shifts your life needs, thus unleashing the very best hidden inside of you. Click the link below to find out all you need to know.


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9:00 AM09:00



As aggravating as it might feel like, it takes time to step into your power. And the journey is not always pleasant. On the contrary, it can be a true ass kicker. But, the key is to not give up, regardless of how challenging it can be. 2022 is screaming for you to not miss out on the blessing that’s meant to be for you. If you truly want to find out what it takes for you to REBIRTH YOUR EGO, click the link below to learn about the upcoming Shadow Work Bootcamp Day Event. It will change your life forever. You will not regret it!

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5:00 PM17:00


If you arrived to this page, know that it is not by mistake. In spirituality, there is no such thing as coincidences. Our steps have already been ordained by the Divine Creator, as they say. My beloved Soul Family, so many different ideas, beliefs, thoughts and memories comes to peoples mind when you mention the word, LOVE. For some, they are negative and bad feelings regarding love, and for others, pleasant and happy ones rise to the surface. Whichever the case may be for you, we must understand love at a deeper level in order to truly access it. Our understanding of love needs to go beyond romance and spa days (not that there’s anything wrong with thinking of romance and having self-care days when speaking of love) into order to be vibrating at the high frequency of love. We need to think of love in terms of tapping into ones best version and allowing our divine flower to blossom. 

So much has gone down in the last two years. In some capacity, many of us have either experienced or have witnessed breakdowns, heartbreaks, pain and loss. What has been labeled a pandemic, has forced us to look at areas of our lives we were either consciously ignoring, denying, attempting to control in our favor, and, we have been positioned to look at the layers of our patterning we were totally ignorant to and unaware of. It stared at our faces and placed us in a position to have to address it. Mother Earth has revealed to us, unhealthy loving patterns, behaviors, beliefs, self-imposed rules and restrictions that have limit our ability to truly see ourselves for who we are and has distanced us from all we can become. 

Once again, Spirit invites us to take a step forward in this yearly spiritual experience so that we may access, TRUE LOVE! The kind of love that starts within and becomes the womb by which all other kinds of love are birthed, in a healthy and fluid kind of way. The quality of love that can break through the toughest of barriers. And that is, SELF-LOVE! It’s not a secret how impactful and detrimental to our lives negative loving patterns can be. But where and how did these patterns begin? And, how can we rewire our patterning so that it does not continue to affect us negatively? This and much more is what The Love Healing Ritual is all about. It’s time to hit the reset button.

The Love Healing Ritual is about YOU! This ritual is about healing the ancestral trauma around love which has negatively affected your life. As previously stated, this is not exclusive to romantic love. When we speak about SELF-LOVE, we are talking about becoming the vessel for healthy love to flow through you. Thus, allowing you to manifest love on many other levels of your life. Clearing and healing negative loving patterns is at the root of this healing ritual. Whether it is because you have not learned how to love correctly, never learned how to love yourself first, still suffering over who left you, avoid love out of fear, learned negative patterns during your upbringing or simply have never nurtured a healthy relationship with your heart chakra, this Love Healing Ritual will assist you in rewiring unwanted thoughts, feelings, misguided beliefs and behaviors that continuously disrupts your life. 

You are invited to join me on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 at 5:00pm (PST), as you gift yourself the opportunity to reawaken your heart and evict out of it, the negative patterns, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors that stand in the way of you experiencing emotional freedom. No More Captivity, Spirit says! 

This ritual will take place online via zoom. Slots are limited and will run out quickly. Once you sign-up, you will receive a welcome email with further information and specific instructions for this Love Healing Ritual, some of which include steps to take in preparation for the ritual. A candle will be dressed, anointed and blessed for each person signing-up. You will also be required to mail-in certain items (to be elaborated on in the welcome email), that will assist in personalizing this ritual for you. 

As always, this Love Healing Ritual has been designed by Spirit through channeling, divination and clairvoyancy. The ritual will mainly consist of prayers, chants and healing techniques. Specific messages from Spirit can come through but is it NOT to be expected on your part. This is about spiritually rewiring your heart and assisting you in getting rid of curses, old patterns and behaviors that do not serve you anymore. 




2022 Love Healing Ritual
Couples Rate LHR 2022


What can I expect from this ritual?

You can expect acquiring a renewed sense of freedom that allows you to be present in your heart-space. Because of past and current stressors and the way many of us choose to live in this day and age, we have stepped out of our heart and moved-in into our headspace. This causes us to not know ourselves the way we should. Because of this, we can also become emotionally disconnected and/or open to emotional suffering. The idea is to connect to the heart in a healthy way so that we can begin to learn how to experience true joy and happiness, from the inside out.

When can I expect results?

Oftentimes, results are not immediately seen. Why? Because after any spiritual healing/ritual, we are then responsible for the maintenance. Once we are cleansed and given the tools necessary to thrive, we are responsible for staying on track and putting those tools into practice on a day-by-day basis. For others, you might start to feel the energetic and spiritual change immediately. But again, the magick is in the maintenance kept. And that is solely on you and not on Spirit.

How do I prepare for the ritual?

For spiritual work on this level, it is always advised you wear white if you can or at least light colors (BLACK CLOTHING IS NOT ADVISED). You are also invited to take a spiritual bath. Specific instructions on spiritual bath preparation will be included in your welcome email once you sign up.

Must I have a spiritual altar for this ritual?

The answer is no. You do not need to have a spiritual altar but, if you don’t have one, I invite you to buy fresh flowers, preferably white, and put up your flowers alongside a clear glass filled with fresh water and light a white candle in the name of your ancestors and your spirit guides. You can burn incense to set the tone on the day of the ritual. And you may also put into practice whatever customs you have that helps you connect with your Divine Source. 

What time is the ritual and how long does it last? 

The ritual will be at 5:00pm (Pacific Standard Time). Spiritual work of this nature can not be timed but be mentally ready to give yourself between two hours to two hours and a half for this ritual event. 

Will there be a replay?

In the past, there has always been a strict no replay rule. But, we are in difficult times and such times may require you to be somewhere else on the day of the ritual. So because of this, if you sign up for the ritual and for whatever reason you can not attend live, you will have access to the replay.  

What if I have all the intention of being part of the ritual live and I encounter an emergency and can’t be there? Will I still be able to benefit from the healing?

If for whatever reason, you encounter a last-minute unforeseen situation or experience an emergency, trust and believe the ritual will be carried out successfully in your name. You will also be able to view the replay on your own time.

Will a refund be issued if I can’t make the livestream or an emergency comes up?

As many other spiritual healers, life coaches, and mentors, I too subscribe to the Beyoncé Policy, which means all of your payments are non-refundable. Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances. Once you sign-up, I will be preparing the necessary items for the spiritual ritual and therefore because of the time and energy invested, refunds will not be issued under any circumstance. You need to be on a “I am ready to heal and be empowered” mindset. If you are wishy-washy, then this experience is not for you.

What’s involved in the ritual? 

There will be much spiritual esoteric work to facilitate this ritual prior to the actual date of the Love Healing Ritual itself. That part, I will not divulge. But I will say this work requires my mediumship, prayers, incantations, chants, and spiritual techniques to facilitate the healing ritual. 

Why should I do this ritual? 

This ritual will support you in removing any known and unknown blindfolds that keep you isolated and distant from your true self. You should partake in this ritual if you feel your inner-spirit is exhausted and confused while feeling loveless, unloving and/or unloved. If you are tired of things being the way they are in your life, this ritual is for you.

When is the last day to sign up?

March 27th, is the cut-off date.


-This is not the kind of ritual for you to persuade your ex to get back  with you. 

-This is not the kind of ritual for you to desire someone you’re romantically interested in, to break-up with their current partner. 

 -You cannot set an intention to persuade someone to love you. You are wasting your time. 

-This ritual is intended to assist you in clearing, cleansing and healing negative old loving patterns. Again, this ritual is about YOU and only for YOU. Not for someone else you want in your life. If you become who you need to be for you, you can then manifest who you deserve in your life.


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2021 End Of The Year Healing
4:00 PM16:00

2021 End Of The Year Healing

2022 HERE WE COME!!!

Soul Familyyyy….. Are you getting ready to welcome 2022??? I hope you are. But I’m wondering. How are you preparing to embrace this new upcoming year? As I too ponder on this very important question, I can not help but to think of the Yorùbá Òrísha Oshósi / Ọ̀ṣọ́ọ̀sì. The skillful hunter who never misses his prey once he has set his eyes on it. But the real question is: How is it he never ever misses and always hits the mark with his arrow. Well, according to Yorùbá cosmology, Oshósi is said to spend a long time studying every aspect of his prey. From his preys' migratory patterns and habits to its’ droppings and behavior, Oshósi closely examines his prey for however long it takes in order to not miss when he is ready to hunt it down. What is needed for such a successful hunt? Patience, Persistence, Determination, Perseverance and Commitment.

Imagine if we were to be as patient, persistent, determined and committed with our dreams, goals and aspirations in life. We would be not just unstoppable, but a true force to be reckoned with. Spirit’s question to you today is, how patient are you? How persistent are you really? How determined have you been? And how committed are you on reaching your highest potential? This is the attitude and tools you need to make 2022 one of your most memorable years. At times this is hard because we are carrying mental dead weight, emotional dead weight, physical dead weight as well as spiritual dead weight. Make a decision to free yourself from mental stressors which occupy the space of creativity, growth, abundance and true joy. Take time to be patient with your goals and desires. Possessing such patience will then allow you to build the persistent attitude you will need to make it happen. Once persistence shows up, be determined to not give up. Once determination is all onboard, commit yourself to study the ins and outs of all you will need to achieve your most desired goals. Right now your discouragement and frustration, added with past failed attempts might make you feel like it is impossible or not even worth trying anymore, but I assure you none of these low frequency thoughts are true. They are nothing but very low vibrations whose desire is to keep you stuck, confused and discouraged. Imagine if Oshósi was as desperate as we seem to be in this era. Imagine if he became easily discouraged because he was not able to catch his prey as quickly as he would want. Obviously, he would not be the adept hunter he is known to be.

Spirit says, you are not inadequate nor a failure, as you might think sometimes. You are simply not patient. Remember, according to Spirit’s message today and studying the unique qualities of the skillful Òrísha hunter, Oshósi, patience is skillset number one. When we lack this, we seem to throw persistence, determination, perseverance and commitment, out the window. Are there things you must change in your attitude, thought process and approach in order to manifest your dreams? The time to start implementing these changes, is now!

Hey, while I have your attention; Don’t miss out on this coming Friday’s End Of The Year Healing. If we want to start off the year with the big BAM, we too must close out this year with the BAM it deserves for allowing us to see the end of this 2021. Whether it was the best year, an ok kind of year or the worst ever, we must still be grateful to have been able to get through it alive. On this coming Friday the 17th, at 4:00pm (PST), a deeply sacred day for the Afro-Cuban community as well as for many around the world for being the feast day of Saint Lazarus, let us set the right tone needed to be geared up to start our new year on the right foot. This End Of The Year Healing promises to cleanse dead energy, unwanted negative vibrations and frequencies of stagnation that have delayed our success, growth, prosperity and happiness. All you need to do is show up.

This will be an online event which means you have no excuse to not show up. To sign up, send your $55 donation via Zelle to: and upon doing so, you must also send me an email to with your full name and contact number. I am not responsible for you not receiving the zoom link to the event if you fail to email me. There will be NO REFUNDS under any circumstances. If you need to make your donation via another form of payment, email me. I’m looking forward to connecting with you this coming Friday as we release all that is unwanted and get ready to embrace 2022.

Join my TEXT LIST and stay in the loop. Text SOULFAMILY to 833-749-2069 and stay informed with the latest trainings, giveaways, spiritual tips, events, spiritual message of the week and much more you don't want to miss.

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to Oct 4


  • Spiritual Doctor AFI (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



October 1st thru October 4th



Oftentimes, when speaking about Shadow Work, we tend to refer to it as something separate or distant from us. But in reality, the shadow is part of us. It’s in us and it is one with us. For this important reason, we have a responsibility to ourselves to do the shadow work, for we can’t live apart from it. 



What’s in our shadow? Most of everything you’re probably thinking about right now and much more: The losses we have endured which has caused a major impact in our lives. From experiencing a loved ones death, health challenges, broken relationships, mental breakdowns, repressed memories, unloving behaviors, childhood trauma, addictions, all the way to financial crisis, anger, anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem, self-doubt, generational patterns, lack of self-love, limiting beliefs and so much more, are all housed in our shadow. When your history is unaddressed and unhealed, it will take over your destiny and interfere with your ability to live a prosperous life. 

On October 1st, we will embark on this much needed healing journey that will unlock the doors that holds your blessings hostage. 


  • You will learn how to face your fears and be in control of it/them

  • You will tap into the known and unknown needs of your inner-child

  • You will possess the tools necessary to birth the best of you

  • You will learn how to heal your trauma/s

  • You will understand what is the source of your emotional burdens

  • You will confront the ugly parts of you, you hide from others and even yourself

  • You will uncover your innate gifts

  • You will break generational patterns 



We will be staying in lovely West Sedona. Specific details on exact location will be given upon registration.













There’s much more to be done (homework-wise), in preparation for the Shadow Work retreat. Our work together does not start on October 1st. It starts 21 days before, during which I will be guiding you on how to prepare for this transformational retreat. Details of this will be sent to you upon full registration (meaning full-payment). This means, if you place down a deposit to hold your space, materials and the rest of the steps will only be sent to you upon full Shadow Work retreat payment.


-You should be in Sedona, AZ by Friday October 1st, 2021 by 2:00pm (check-in is at 3:00pm). We should be ready to convene at 6:00pm for our first gathering.


This Shadow Work Retreat will lay down the foundation which will introduce you to your continuous healing journey and will also open the doors to a longer commitment on your part to recovery and increasing awareness. 

Upon the completion of this Shadow Work Retreat, you will have the responsibility of processing all you will learn and furthermore, integrating the lessons and guidance into your day-to-day life. This will be the beginning of a much longer process which you have to be an active participant in. Spirit will not do the work for you. 

Before you decide to embark on this healing journey, it is advised you really go deep within and ask yourself, “Am I ready to change my life?” and “Am I profoundly ready to meet the Divine in me?” 

We must do away from any expectations of what we might think spiritual work looks like. I assure you that healing and transformation hardly ever develops how we envision it to be. 


  • This is not a quick-fix approach to all your problems

  • This Shadow Work Retreat is not to substitute nor take the place of any medical treatment you are under

  • Shadow Work is not to be manipulated to satisfy nor justify what we feel we want

  • When doing Shadow Work, we can not select what we choose to deal with and ignore the rest. We would only do ourselves a disservice in doing so


-If you happen to know someone in Sedona or you ask someone to meet you in Sedona, you are free to gather with them on your own free time. Meaning, not during the times you are suppose to be present for the healings and classes. 

-Recreational drugs (or any kinds of illegal drugs and narcotics) will not be allowed. If you challenge this, you will be released from the retreat and you are on your own. 

-You will also be released from the retreat if you show up intoxicated (whether by alcohol or drugs) any day of the Shadow Work Retreat

-You are expected to show up on time to every gathering. Exceptions will not be made for you if you are always late or wake up late.

-You will treat everyone in the retreat with respect and be cordial. Disrespect of any kind will NOT be allowed. 

-If during our sightseeing you venture off, you are responsible for yourself and for getting back to the hotel. 


-Spirit Of Ashe LLC and its host are not responsible for your medical attention. 

-If you have any medical condition, you are responsible to have your medications (if you take any) and any other items necessary for your physical wellbeing. 

-Know what your limitations are and do not force yourself to do things you know your body can’t handle. 

-Be aware of any allergies you might have. 


We are still in the middle of a pandemic. For this reason, we must be mindful of people’s personal space.


-Make sure you are well informed on current travel restrictions due to COVID-19. You do not want to miss your flight due to an oversight on your part. NO REFUNDS!

-Airfare to and from Sedona AZ, is NOT included in the retreat rate. This is something you must take care of. The sooner you do it, the better it will be for you, as airfares do tend to go up in price. So it is highly advised you do not wait for the very last minute to book your flight. 

-If you are flying into Arizona, you have two options. You can fly into Phoenix International Airport (PHX-Sky Harbor Intl.) And you may also fly into Flagstaff AZ (FLG-Flagstaff Pulliam Field). 

-It will be cheaper to fly into Phoenix Arizona. Upon arrival to Phoenix Arizona, a pre-arranged Shuttle will take you to Sedona. Travel time from Phoenix Arizona to Sedona is approximately two hours. 

-Upon arrival to Flagstaff Arizona, arrangements will be made for an Uber or Lyft will take you to Sedona. Travel time from Flagstaff Arizona to Sedona is approximately 40 minutes. 


Your transport from the Phoenix Airport on the day of your arrival and to the airport on the day of your departure is included in the retreat rate. If flying into Flagstaff, AZ an Uber or Lyft will be arranged for your pickup and drop off. Once you book your flight, make sure you provide me with your full trip itinerary immediately. Make sure you provide the correct information regarding your flight. This means, the airline, flight number and times of arrival to Arizona and departure from Arizona. 


October becomes one of the best months to visit the beautiful Red Rocks of Sedona Arizona. The weather tends to be mild and exceptionally enjoyable. The month’s average high is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the sun goes down, it can possibly be in the 50’s range. Pack accordingly to these temperatures. 

We will have both indoor and outdoor activities. We will not be stuck inside a building all day. Time will be made for sight seeing and enjoying the beautiful breathtaking views. Make sure to pack comfortable clothing for outdoor activities.


-Taking the above-mentioned into consideration, you may pack as you wish. BUT, for the spiritual and healing gatherings, black clothing WILL NOT be allowed. Also, your clothes should be appropriate and decent. Meaning, no revealing clothing, no booty-shorts, no mini-skirts. 

-You are free to wear what you like, as far as shorts and comfortable clothing when being outside and sight-seeing. 

-Don’t forget to pack your bathing suit in case you want to jump into the hotel’s pool. We will also visit the river/creek and you might feel invited to jump in. 

-Though the weather is very pleasant and not super hot, you might still want to pack your sunscreen lotion and any other weather protective items such as hats and sunglasses. You know your skin and your body best. 

-And to be on the safe side, make sure to pack your jacket, in case it gets a little chilly for you at night.







REFUNDS: There are no refunds. Deposits and full payments are non-refundable.

I can’t wait to experience this profound magickal transformation with you!



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3:00 PM15:00


My beloved soul family, Spirit is doing it again. And when Spirit calls, I answer. This time, we are focusing on a very complicated but much needed topic. LOVE! First and foremost SELF-LOVE! Many of us are already aware of the impact negative love patterns have in our life. But where and how did these patterns begin? And, how can we rewire our patterning so that it does not continue to affect us negatively? This and much more is what The Love Healing Ritual is all about. 


The Love Healing Ritual is about YOU and only for YOU. This ritual is about healing the ancestral trauma around love which has negatively affected your life. This is not exclusive to romantic love. This is about SELF-LOVE! When we speak about SELF-LOVE, we are talking about becoming the vessel for healthy love to flow through you. Thus, allowing you to manifest love on many levels of your life. Clearing and healing negative love patterns is at the root of this healing ritual. Whether it’s because you have not learned how to love correctly, never learned how to love yourself first, still suffering over who left you, avoid love out of fear, learned negative patterns during your upbringing or simply have never nurtured a healthy relationship with your heart chakra, this Love Healing Ritual will assist you in repatterning unwanted thoughts, feelings, misguided beliefs and behaviors. 

You are invited to join me on Saturday, February 27th, 2021 at 3:00pm (PST), as you gift yourself the opportunity to reawaken your heart and evict out of it, the negative patterns, emotions and behaviors that stand in the way of you experiencing emotional freedom. 

This ritual will take place online and a replay WILL NOT be available. This is the kind of ritual whose healing effects can only be beneficial live. I stress the fact that slots are limited and will run out quickly. Once you sign-up, you will receive a welcome email with further information and specific instructions for this Love Healing Ritual, some of which include steps to take in preparation for the ritual. A candle will be dressed, anointed and blessed for each person signing-up. You will also be required to mail-in certain items (to be elaborated on in the welcome email), that will assist in personalizing this ritual for you. 

This Love Healing Ritual has been designed by Spirit through channeling, divination and clairvoyancy. The ritual will mainly consist of prayers and chants. Specific messages from Spirit can come through but is it NOT to be expected on your part. This is about spiritually rewiring your heart and assisting you in getting rid of curses, old patterns and behaviors that do not serve you anymore. 

Donation for the Love Healing Ritual: $222

Donation for couples: $375

Payments may be submitted via Venmo to: @spiritualdoctor-afi  

CashApp to: $SpiritualDoctorAfi.

For information on other payment options, please send an email to On the subject box write: LOVE HEALING RITUAL 2021

After submitting your payment for The Love Healing Ritual, you must send an email to in which you will include your full birth name (including middle name if you have one) and date of birth. If you legally changed your name, include both. You will also add if you paid via Venmo or via CashApp, including your Venmo or Cashapp handle/name. On the subject box write: LOVE HEALING RITUAL 2021


What can I expect from this ritual?

You can expect acquiring a renewed sense of freedom that allows you to be present in your heart-space. Because of past and current stressors and the way many of us choose to live in this day and age, we have stepped out of our heart and moved-in into our headspace. This causes us to not know ourselves the way we should. We can also become emotionally disconnected and/or open to emotional suffering. The idea is to connect to the heart in a healthy way. 

When can I expect results?

Oftentimes, results are not immediately seen. Why? Because after any healing/ritual, we are then responsible for the maintenance. Once we are cleansed and given the tools necessary to thrive, we are responsible for staying on track and putting those tools into practice on a day-by-day basis. For others, you might start to feel the energetic and spiritual change immediately. But again, the magick is in the maintenance kept. 

How do I prepare for the ritual?

For spiritual work on this level, it is always advised you wear white if you can or at least light colors (BLACK IS NOT ADVISED AND WILL NOT BE ALLOWED). You are also invited to take a spiritual bath. Preferably, what’s called a white bath which consists of white flowers of your choice (white roses, carnations or pom-poms), florida water or a spiritual cologne of your choice, cascarilla powder (a cleansing and protection powder which is made from ground-up egg shells, great for warding off negative vibrations) and holy water (if you have access to it, if not it’s ok). You can do this bath on Thursday of the week of the Love Healing Ritual as well as on the night before the spiritual ritual. If you have a spiritual altar at home (you don’t have to for this ritual), it is advised you make sure your altar is clean and freshly attended to for this ritual. You might want to take care of your spiritual altar the night before. On the day of, sit by your altar and set your intention by way of prayer or meditation. Make sure you have a good nights sleep on the night before the ritual.

Must I have a spiritual altar for this ritual?

The answer is no. You do not need to have a spiritual altar but, if you don’t have one, I invite you to buy fresh flowers, preferably white, put up a clear glass filled with fresh water and light a white candle in the name of your ancestors and your spirit guides. You can burn incense to set the tone. And you may also put into practice whatever customs you have that helps you connect with your Divine Source. 

What time is the ritual and how long does it last? 

The ritual will be at 3:00pm (Pacific Standard Time). Spiritual work of this nature can not be timed but be mentally ready to give yourself between two hours to two hours and a half for this ritual event. 

Will there be a replay?

As stated in the description, a replay will not be available. But I will post pictures and a video of the ceremony. 

What if I have all the intention of being part of the ritual live and I encounter an emergency and can’t be there? Will a replay be provided then?

Again, a replay will not be provided under any circumstance. If for whatever reason, you encounter a last-minute unforeseen situation or experience an emergency, trust and believe the ritual will be carried out successfully in your name. 

Will a refund be issued if I can’t make the livestream or an emergency comes up?

Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances. Once you sign-up, I will be preparing the necessary items for the spiritual ritual and therefore because of the time and energy invested, refunds will not be issued under any circumstance. 

What’s involved in the ritual? 

There will be much spiritual esoteric work to facilitate this ritual prior to the actual date of the Love Healing Ritual. That, I will not divulge. But I will say this work requires my mediumship, prayers, incantations and chants. 

Why should I do this ritual? 

This ritual will support you in removing any known and unknown blindfolds that keep you isolated and distant from your true self. You should partake in this ritual if you feel your inner-spirit is exhausted and confused while feeling loveless, unloving and/or unloved. 

When is the last day to sign up?

February 20th, is the cut-off date so I can prepare your work for the ritual. 


-This is not the kind of ritual for you to persuade your ex to get back  with you. 

-This is not the kind of ritual for you to desire someone you’re romantically interested in, to break-up with their current partner. 

 -You cannot set an intention to persuade someone to love you. You are wasting your time. 

-This ritual is intended to assist you in clearing, cleansing and healing negative old love patterns. Again, this ritual is about YOU and only for YOU. Not for someone else you want in your life.  

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5:00 PM17:00



What's the forecast for 2021? You and I both want to know. On December 28th, 2020 at 5:00pm (PST), we will consult with Spirit to learn what will 2021 be like for us. We will address health concerns, romantic relationships, finances and more. We will also look into spiritual recommendations on things we can do to stay protected and bring about the blessings our life needs. By way of Tarot and Clairvoyance, get ready to learn what will 2021 bring for us and take notes on advice that will be beneficial for us throughout the year. To sign up, send your $55 love donation via Venmo to: @spiritualdoctor-afi or via Cashapp to: $SpiritualDoctorAfi and then send an email to to confirm your participation.

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5:00 PM17:00



The time has come to do the work necessary to help us release, heal and get ready to walk into 2021 as empowered as possible. This is a healing event I know your inner-spirit will appreciate. I invite you to join me on December 17th, 2020 for the End Of The Year Healing Voices Meditation. This End Of The Year Healing is intended to help release the negativity, cleanse your spirit and bless your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Let’s release and cut the links to past failures, financial losses, mistakes, past lovers and much more. Let’s spiritually prepare to embrace the best version of us so that in turn, we may also embrace and welcome the best of 2021.

December 17th is a very sacred and special day in the Afro-Cuban Lukumi tradition. It’s the feast day of the Òrísha Bàba’Lú Ayé (syncretized with Saint Lazarus). The great healer. Though his energy is mostly summoned when encountering physical health issues, he is deemed to be extremely miraculous for many aspects of life.

This will be an online healing meditation class. This healing class is about being open to receive Spirit’s guidance and empowering messages that equip us with the right tools to face our truth. Again, that’s on Thursday, December 17th 2020 at 5:00pm (PST). Love donation is $44. To sign up, send your $44 love donation via Venmo to: @spiritualdoctor-afi or via Cashapp to: $SpiritualDoctorAfi and then send an email to to confirm your participation.

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to Jun 23


  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us as we dive into the powerful chants of Òrísha Oggún. A powerful West-African Òrísha who's not only a warrior but also considered to be the father of civilization in the Yòrúba cosmology.

Class will take place online, on Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 at 4:00PM (PST). To sign up, send an email to The love donation for the class is $50, which can be sent via Venmo to: @spiritualdoctor-afi or via Cashapp to: $SpiritualDoctorAfi. Once you're signed up and payment is sent, you will be provided with the private link to the class. The day of the class, you must have your camera/video turned on. Many blessings to you!

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4:00 PM16:00


For a while now, many have been wondering, when was I going to start teaching Òrísha song classes again. Well, the many requests are being answered. 

Mark the date on your calendar! Òrísha Song Class on Friday, June 5th, 2020 at 4:00PM (PST). Singing to Òrísha is something I take deeply seriously and has been a part of my religious and spiritual journey since I was a child. The vast majority of my exposure and knowledge in this department comes from my beloved father Lazaro Galarraga, who’s considered to be an icon in Afro-Cuban folklore and one of the last living legends of his time. Cuba was blessed with the rich presence of enslaved Africans who with them, brought their deep knowledge of various spiritual/religious practices. My father’s grandmother (my great-grandmother), was one of the many enslaved Africans who arrived at the island with her profound Yoruban knowledge and spiritual practices. Is was from her, whom my father learned most from. 

The power of chants and songs in the Lùkúmi (Yoruba) faith is mounting-moving. It’s even safe to say chants, prayers and songs is as old as time and holds the essence of life in it. Chants have the power to heal and change circumstances from negative to positive settings. You now get to experience this magick and learn Òrísha songs from the comfort of your home. We will begin with non other than Èlégba (Elegguá/Èshu), the deity of the crossroads. Class runs two hours and we will begin with minimum five songs. We will dive a little into the energy of the Òríshas for a better understanding of their energy and what they represent. Join me, as we dive into the chants and songs of Èlégba and experience his energy. Sign up today. This spiritual journey will take place June 5th, 2020 at 4:00PM (PST). The live donation for this class will be $50. Reserve your spot by sending your donation via Venmo to: @spiritualdoctor-afi or Cashapp to: $SpiritualDoctorAfi. 

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7:30 PM19:30


Who’s ready for some loving Healing Voices Meditation??? I hope you are!! The loving powerful Goddess Òshún is going to rock the room with her loving flow and reality-check approach. She has the ability of making you own your power by influencing you to dig deep into your conscious and subconscious mind and allowing you to tap into the very best of you.

This class on the 28th day of February will help you close out the month of love with a big BAM 💥 embracing self-love. So ladies and gentlemen, come ready to release, be uplifted, heal and walk out feeling empowered. I’m happy to announce this class will be proudly sponsored by @shoplatinx , a company created to make possible for their to be a platform who supports Latinx brands, artists, small business owners, educators and more. The special theme for this class is: I AM, and we shall be honoring the magical energy of Òshún, the Goddess of love and fertility. Come ready for a revelatory experience that will excite your soul. It is advised you dress in white, yellow, or a combination of both but NOT black. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

That’s on Friday, February 28th, 2020 at 7:30pm. Class will be held at GypsyLuv Metaphysical Shop located at 844 E. Mission Blvd Pomona CA 91766. Donation for the class is $25. Sign up by sending a DM to @spiritualdoctorafi or emailing: Signing up is a must if you want to attend. This class will fill up soon.

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1:00 PM13:00


One important Yoruban “African” Spiritual concept is, IWA-PELE, which stands for, “Good Character”. Spirit has called me this year to help men discover or rediscover their fire. For a long time we’ve lived in a society that basically brainwashes men into thinking they should not express themselves. Men are told they should not be in touch with their feelings, and as a consequence, many parents raise their boys in the same manner. You hear moms and dads telling their boy, “men don’t cry”; “act like a man”; “are you a sissy?”, not realizing how detrimentally negative this treatment plays out to be in the long run, when then society switches it up by condemning men for not understanding the feelings of other people; specifically those of women. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Spirit wants to help men know they are, MEN OF FIRE. In order to become a man of fire, we must go back to basics by speaking about things us men are told our whole life to swallow it down and suck it up. I invite all men, young and old, to partake in my MEN OF FIRE IWA PELE COACHING. Your voice needs to be heard too and you too are in need and deserving of healing. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So ladies, send your sibling, your husband/boyfriend, son, and even father to this much needed sincere and heartfelt training that will unleash the divine fire in our men. Men, I invite you to drop the ego and come experience the fire of Spirit, thus allowing us to dig deep within and bring out the hard topics we tend to swallow by ourselves. These coaching classes will happen twice a month; at times indoors and other times outdoors. Spirit will lead the way. Our first gathering will take place on February 8th (location and time TBA soon). Donation is $35. To Sign up, send an email to

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7:30 PM19:30


Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation wants to wish a Happy New Decade to all its’ Spiritual Warriors. If you were at the end of the year healing class and you loved it, you don’t want to miss 2020’s New Year Shamanic Healing Voice’s class themed: STEP BY STEP. 
As you are still trying to get with the rhythm of a new year and start to honor your new year goals, many are still in a transitioning state, doing their best to find their way and execute your purpose. This healing class dedicated to the masterful energy of West African Òrísha Èlégba, will help you focus on your vision so that you may take the necessary steps that shall elevate you to your highest vibration; As well as assist you in removing the clouded layers preventing you from discovering your vision. 
Come ready to release negative vibes. Come ready to let your future know you are ready to take charge. Tell a friend. Bring your significant other! But definitely make sure YOU come. Show the love by sharing the post. 

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End of the year Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation
7:30 PM19:30

End of the year Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation

END OF THE YEAR SHAMANIC HEALING VOICES MEDITATION, will be LIT  . I don’t know about you but I’m ready for 2019 to come to it’s conclusion. But we must do so as graciously as possible. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Come join me this coming Friday the 20th in a powerful supercharged healing class that will get you ready for your new decade. This class, dedicated to the highly elevated energy of West-African Òrísha Òbátalá, the God of white cloth, peace, path & direction, entitled: NAKED & READY, will cleanse your chakras, break you free from your old rigid mindset, and propel you forward into your new year feeling ready to win. Come ready to release and heal but also come ready to celebrate and toast. PLEASE TRY YOUR BEST TO DRESS IN WHITE!!! Don’t forget your mat and perhaps a blanket in case it’s chilly for you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You must sign up for this class if you’re planning on attending. That’s this coming Friday, December 20th, 2019 at 7:30pm at GypsyLuv Metaphysical Shop 844 E. Mission BLVd Pomona CA 91766. Donation is $25. To Sign up send email to Show the love by sharing the post. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#healing #ready #newbeginnings #meditation #inlandempire #spiritualcleansing #obatala #orishas #orisha #orichas #afimayegalarraga #spiritualdoctorafi #healer #spiritualhealer #spiritualadvisor #mediumship #divinemessage17dotcom #motivation #movingforward #blessings

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7:30 PM19:30


  • Indigo Alliance Metaphysicsl Alliance (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Don’t miss this coming Monday’s Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation. It promises to deliver an uplifting healing message that will help you heal feelings of guilt. Believe it or not, so many setbacks in your life revolve around guilt. And guilt is deadweight that doesn’t allow you to grow and walk into the fullness of your blessings. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

I’m looking forward to having you in this special class. Bring a friend, your significant other and whomever you believe needs and wants to elevate. That’s this coming Monday, October 14th, 2019 at 7:30pm @indigo_alliance located at 2548 E. Colorado BLVd Pasadena CA 90011. Donation for the class is $25. To sign up please send email to #oshun #ochun #orisha #meditation #meditating #shamanichealingvoices #afimayegalarraga #spiritualdoctorafi #healer #shaman #spiritist #spirituality #healing #selflove #divinemessage17dotcom #guilt #releasingguilt #spiritualwarriors #spiritualwarrior #shamanism #occultism #healingvibration #selflove

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7:30 PM19:30


Spirit wants you to know you have choices: But at times, it’s easy to find your myself consumed by the issue at hand which blurs out other possibilities. Shamanic Healing Voices will be back at GypsyLuv Metaphysical Shop on Friday October 4th to break down the layers of blurred perception you which are not letting you see other options. Be ready to release. Be ready to face your truth. Be ready to breathe. October 4th is a very special day because in the Yorúba/Lùkumi tradition is the feast day of Òrísha Òrúnla, the master diviner. What better day to have a class in his honor than on his actual observed day. That’s next Friday, October 4th, 2019 at GypsyLuv Metaphysical Shop located at 844 E. Mission Blvd Pomona CA 91766 at 7:30pm. Donation is $25. To Sign up please email 

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7:30 PM19:30


Spirit was so strong with this past Friday’s COMMITMENT class that it has moved me to share it again. This coming Tuesday, October 1st, come join Shamanic Healing Voices at Mostly Angels LA as we work through this impactful theme, COMMITMENT. Through the energy of Èlégba, Spirit is ready to realign you so that you may better find your path and direction. That’s this coming Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 at 7:30pm at Mostly Angels LA located at 2602 S. Robertson Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034. Donation is: $25. To Sign up please email 

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Full Moon Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation
6:00 PM18:00

Full Moon Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation

SOUTH FLORIDA, are you READY?!?! I am so excited to announce Shamanic Healing Voices will be doing its Meditation class in Miami Fl for the first time. Nothing brings me more joy than to share this experience in my hometown with my sunshine state Floridians. This will be an electrifying and exciting healing class that will take place on May’s Full Moon date May 18th. The theme for this Healing Meditation will be: MORE THAN ENOUGH. This class will take place right by the water under the full moon and in front of the one of the greatest elements and forces of Earth, The Ocean. Class will be dedicated to the great West-African goddess YEMAYÁ. MOTHER OR WATERS. 

Among many other names, May’s Full Moon is named The Full Flower Moon: And one of the reasons for this is because in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, flowers are abundant in late spring. Blossoms of beautiful bright colors exposes itself at its best. Come join Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation for a magical experience and a great opportunity to release the negative vibrations that are holding you back from making the radical change you know your life needs and deserves. Class is on May 18th at 6pm on Collins and 24th Street. Just walk towards the ocean 🌊 and you will find us. YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN YOGA MAT OR ANY MAT YOU WANT TO LAY DOWN ON. If you think you’ll get cold, bring your blanket and pillow as well. Class will be $25 per-person. It is advised you wear white or light and bright colors. Be kind and tell a friend, post on your live feed and share the love. We all need it. Get ready for magic!!!

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7:30 PM19:30


Andddd on Friday April 5th, SHAMANIC HEALING VOICES MEDITATION will be sharing its energy for the first time at a very cozy and great spot in Upland CA called The Healing Touch Studio. For all my inland empire students and interested parties, or any of my beloved LA Spiritual Warriors who want to drive up, come join us as we will be honoring and channeling the energy of the sacred WEST-AFRICAN Òrísha Èlégba, the energy of path and direction, and who is also Ganesha! This is definitely a powerful and super-charged class you don't want to miss! This class is entitled A CHANGE IS COMING! Through the healing vibration of the West African energy ÈLÉGBA, the king of the crossroads and of path and direction, we shall download the divine guidance that will help you bring about the CHANGE your life needs. If you’ve been trying and trying and still not finding your grounding, come see what Spirit has to say to you that can help you get back on track. Come release the holds and release the energetic setbacks that are keeping you stuck. That’s Friday April 5th, 2019 at 7:30pm @thtstudio located at 869 E Foothill Blvd Suite H Upland CA 91786. To Sign up, please email:

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7:30 PM19:30


Next week is loaded with a double dosage of SHAMANIC HEALING VOICES MEDITATION. Come join us on Tuesday April 2nd for a powerful Spiritual experience as Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation works through the topic: LETTING IT GO. There’s always so much to let go and release energetically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Through the energies of the West African Goddess of love Òshún, the Hindu Goddess of wealth and prosperity Lakshmi, and the planet of love Venus, we shall release the negative vibrations that are interfering with our blessings. Don’t miss this positive energy packed class. Tuesday April 2nd, 2019 at 7:30pm @elysiumbandini & The Art of Elysium located at 3278 Wilshire Blvd 8th Floor, Los Angeles CA 90010. This is in the Talmadge building. Donation: $25. To Sign up please send email to:

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Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation
7:30 PM19:30

Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation

Come join Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation on Wednesday March 27th for an uplifting class intended to release your chakras and body from negative vibrations, and realign yourself spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. This special class is entitled “COMING OUT” and you should not miss it. This will be on Wednesday March 27th, at 7:30pm @mostlyangelsla located at 2602 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034. Class donation is $25. To Sign up email Mostly Angels LA is a very nice cozy small spot so signing up is highly recommended due to space restrictions. Come discover what Spirit has to share with you! 

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8:00 PM20:00


  • 652 Robin Glen Drive Glendale, CA, 91202 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I am super excited to announce this upcoming class. Nothing gives me more excitement than to support people who are truly walking in their dream. Needless to say it’s even more thrilling when it’s someone I mentor. Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation is coming together with for this super spiritual and uplifting class. Urbanyogi is not only my mentee and someone I Spiritually advise, he’s also my Spiritual Godson. His breath-work is amazing! COME CONNECT WITH SPIRIT through a guided breath-work meditation w/ @yogitwan1177 and a Shamanic Healing Voices group Meditation/Reading with yours truly. This will be a great way to deepen your connection with your inner-spirit, cleanse your body from negative vibrations, calm your anxiety, and receive much needed guidance from the Universe on being able to continue conquering 2019. The Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation and group reading will be done as a group. Spiritual channeling will take place in a collective manner and you shall receive messages (however they come through) for you. Come prepared to be touched by Spirit in a magical way. That’s on March 11th, 2019 from 8pm to 10pm (YES, 2 hours). Location: 652 Robin Glen Drive  Glendale CA 91202. Donation: $100 2-hour guided Breath-Work and Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation and Group Reading. RSVP, LIMITED Spaces for this intimate event! Only 25 spots available and it will go fast! Email me at for information on how to pay in advance to reserve your spot. 

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7:30 PM19:30


Who’s ready for 2019’s first Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation?? I hope you are. Spirit has so much to share with you this year and we are kicking it off with a powerful class entitled, CHISEL THROUGH IT. If you are attempting to give 2019 the best chance and still feel negative energy lingering over you and holding you down, this is your class. If you are out of resources, this is your class! If you are feeling hopeless and are lacking the drive you need to keep believing in yourself, this is your class! If you are feeling good but also feel like you have no direction, this is your class! Don’t procrastinate! Don’t hesitate! Don’t make excuses! Come join Shamanic Healing Voices Meditation on Friday, February 22nd at 7:30pm at GypsyLuv Metaphysical Shop located at 844 E Mission Blvd Pomona CA 91766. Class is $20. To Sign up, Email: Looking forward to seeing you there.

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7:00 PM19:00

Shamanic Meditation & Healing With The Voices

Come join us in our next Shamanic Meditation and Healing W/The Voices class honoring and channeling the energy of the sacred WEST-AFRICAN ÒRÍSHAS! This is definitely a powerful and super-charged class you don't want to miss! This class is entitled REDESIGN YOUR PATH! Through the healing vibration of the West African energy ÈLÉGBA, the king of the crossroads and of path and direction, we shall download the divine guidance that will help you redesign your path and embark on your new journey. 

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7:30 PM19:30

Shamanic Meditation & Healing With The Voices

If you want some more, it’s coming. This coming Tuesday, October 30th, Shamanic Meditation & Healing W/The Voices will help you turn your curse into your blessings. We are in times when everything needs to be a positive investment towards our future; and that includes the the negative things. Everything needs to count and we are going to make it count. If you agree with the idea and feeling of, no more losses, come join me. Don’t miss this vibrational class which will set you back on track. With the energy of the Goddess of love Òshún,  we will bring blessings into our life even if we have to make there on the vehicle of curses. Tell your friends! Tell your significant other and whomever needs a blessing in their life! Theme: YOUR CURSE IS A BLESSING. Again, that’s this coming Tuesday, October 30th at 7:30pm at Mostly Angels located at 2602 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles CA 90034. To Sign Up email: 

#oshun #ochun #meditation #losangeles #blessings #afimayegalarraga #cuban #afrocuban #shaman #shamanichealing #healer #messengerofspirit #spirituality #thedivine #divineblessings #yeyeo #lakshmi #venus #love #selflove #divinemessage17dotcom #thetimeisnow

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