Who doesn’t know love has an effect on the body? I think in some kind of way, we are all aware that the energy in ones body changes when experiencing love. You and I don’t have to be a scientist nor a doctor to feel the excitement that flows through the body and how our brain goes into daydreaming mode while under the influence of love. But guess what; this doesn’t have to be exclusive to romantic love.
I know for many, the whole idea of romance and one’s “Valentine”, is either overrated or it’s simply nonexistent. But who said the practice of self-love has to be only in the company of someone else? Though falling in-love with your ideal partner sounds exciting, I propose you experience the same exhilarating and euphoric feeling with yourself first, so that you can become that love magnetic which attracts the kind of love you desire in your life; whether it’s romantic or platonic.
When falling in-love, the body experiences a rush of hormones it delivers to the brain. One of which is, oxytocin. Referred to as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is present in childbirth. This hormone is also said to be linked to empathy and bonding. Studies also show how the brains opioid system is activated when experiencing love (specifically, romantic love). It’s this particular system that helps us choose our potential partner.
From a spiritual perspective though, much of our negative karmic, generational and past experiences can affect ones brain to such a degree where hormones such as oxytocin, estrogen, serotonin, testosterone, dopamine among others and our opioid system, can be thrown off balance. Thus causing much distress and suffering in ones love life.
When you come to think about it, there are times when perhaps you have caught yourself questioning the Universe as to, why is it you seem to have so much bad luck in the love department, when you strongly believe to have checked-off all the warning signs on your checklist. If this is you, trust me when I say you’re not the only one that feels this way. I have clients who seriously believe they are a walking reporting center for “bad-luck love” and “failed-relationships”. But I assure you, this is not entirely the whole case. There are many contributing factors as to why your romantic love life seems to always be crashing and why those you care for and love (friends and sometimes even family) end up betraying you. Aside from the influence of your nuclear or elementary family, which obviously has a major impact on how you connect and bond with others, you also carry with you a history in your DNA, of known and untold stories. Such stories and personal experiences of your ancestors and deceased loved ones, can have an impact on how you choose to connect, bond, accept and embrace a potential romantic partner, friends and how you interact with family members. But equally as important, it also determines how you choose to love and be in relationship with yourself. For this reason, at times you need guidance and assistance in getting to the bottom of what could be plaguing your heart with so much pain and blocking you from manifesting love, healthy friendships and a better connection with your family. And above all, with yourself.
Take this time to ask questions about yourself that will assist you in better comprehending who you are. Perhaps, journaling the thoughts that come through can march you forward into embracing a better version of you. Such thoughts, messages or downloads, can come from the Universe, your spirit guides, guardian angels or the Divine Source of your understanding. But overall, you have a responsibility to yourself to not settle for current debilitating circumstances that keep you lacking joy, happiness, excitement and most importantly, Love.
You may not have been able to set a table for two this past Valentine’s Sunday, but you sure can always create the ambience for yourself. Set the right tone for you that will promote self-love, compassion, peace and “Jouissance” (French for enjoyment). Something as simple as cooking up your favorite food, putting on the music that excites your inner-spirit or spending some peaceful quality time with yourself, might be exactly what you need. But, whatever you do, NEVER stop loving on yourself!
Last day to sign-up is on February 20th, 2021
Love donation is $222 for solo
For couples is $375
Payment plans available
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Divine Love,
Spiritual Doctor AFI