


This profound question came to me from Spirit in the middle of the night. The truth of the matter is, many people (some unknowingly and many more “knowingly”), are silencing their Third Eye every day. The reasons behind this action are countless. It can come from fear of not knowing what to do with a natural God-given gift, to, simply not wanting to deal with both the responsibility and the exposure honing your spiritual gifts comes with. The problem with this is that, whether or not you are afraid of your own spiritual gifts or you have bad memories associated with such an ability, or you feel too empathic to accept such a gift, catch this: Spirit says, “It Ain’t Going Anywhere”! It’s yours.

But, my Soul Family, can I go a little deeper with you on this very important subject Spirit prompted me to share with you today on this beautiful Monday? Too many of us forget that upon our arrival onto this place we call Earth, we already arrived with a destiny to develop and fulfill. But most importantly, listen to this carefully: we possess an incarnate spirit. Such incarnate spirit can be hundreds of hundreds years old or even thousands of thousands years old. Possessing an incarnate spirit that moves this body also means this incarnate spirit comes from another time period with his/her own unique gifts and abilities that also makes you unique in this lifetime.

As far as the teachings of Espiritismo (Spiritism) is concerned, we have all reincarnated. This means our incarnate spirit has been here before. In every case, this also speaks to the fact that something (something meaning behaviors, characteristics, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, fears, and also gifts or spiritual gifts if you will) will always trickle in onto this lifetime. We don’t necessarily start from scratch completely. We simply have a new opportunity to do it better than we did before (this is a whole other topic to elaborate on later). But for the purposes of this share this morning, when speaking about those of us that have a spiritual gift (you can possess more than one) that falls under “Clair” senses, we must understand this ability has been brought to us by our incarnate spirit. This means my Soul Family, though you have done your best at shutting it down, ignoring it, hiding it, suppressing it, trying to get rid of it, rejecting it, slowing it down and so on, bottom line is YOU CAN’T GET RID OF IT (no, I’m not screaming at you. I just need this latter statement drilled into your brain lol!).

Some of you might even argue that many years ago you decided to “shut down” your spiritual gift(s) and you’ve been fine. But have you really? Spiritual food for thought: And how would you know how “fine” you’ve been if all it could be hasn’t been?  I’ve met many people throughout my life who have gone all out of their way to kill their spiritual gift(s) and feel they are “okay” until they eventually find out they are not “okay”. You see, it works something like this: When you suppress, ignore, hide, or shut down a part of you that’s natural (keyword here is natural), you are also doing the same to your incarnate spirit. As a result of this action, you are disconnecting part of yourself from yourself! In doing so, you are delaying, redirecting, or self-cursing (or all of the above) your path and journey. Main reason being, your incarnate spirit needs (in all the sense of the word) you to accept, embrace, hone, protect, and step into your gift(s) so that both of your paths can go on and evolve (emphasis on evolve). Yes, you have a path to follow and so does your incarnate spirit. It’s codependent on each other. It’s a symbiotic relationship (which often doesn’t feel comfortable nor is it smooth. Hence, the importance of Ancestral Healing). It is also believed that our incarnate spirit is oftentimes a distant Ancestor (not your late grandmother nor great great grandfather, but a very distant Ancestor).

So the real question you should ask yourself this week and try to work on is: How has my decision to shut down my Spiritual Eye affecting me in other areas of my life such as: my love life, my finances, my platonic relationships, my professional environment, my relationship with family, my place in my community, and even my physical and mental health. Learn this: you can’t simply shut down a part of you and not expect for it to have an effect in a different area of your life.

There are so many different ways you can accept, embrace and honor your Spiritual Eye (spiritual gift/s) without you necessarily having to be the next Instagram Witch or Warlock. Your homework is to learn how to breathe LIFE into something that’s naturally part of you, so that in turn, it can also breathe LIFE into you and all areas of your life.

So which “Clair” senses have you ignored, suppressed, hidden, and/or shut down? Is it your Clairvoyance? Your ability to clearly see past, present, and future. A clear sense of vision. Is it your Clairalience? Your ability to receive information via smell. Is it your Clairaudience? Your clear sense of hearing information via your ears. Is it your Clairgustance? Receiving information via your spiritual taste buds and detecting information orally. Is it your Claircognizance? Your ability to know something you couldn’t possibly know of or about. Referred to as clear knowing. Or is it your Clairsentience? A clear sense of feeling. Receiving spiritual downloads via your body. Or perhaps it is your Clairtangency which is Information and downloads you receive by way of touch, via your hands. Which one of these abilities are you naturally gifted in but have chosen to look the opposite way?

Perhaps, after some real deep soul searching, you come to the conclusion that your Spiritual Eye, your Third Eye or as it’s also referred to as, your Minds Eye and your Inner Eye, is ready to align you with your Divine Purpose. Perhaps an ancient Ancestor has come to visit you in this lifetime and most importantly partner-up with you as your incarnate spirit, bringing along with him/her an ancient wisdom. An ancient power and ability it’s depending on you to polish and do great works with in this, your lifetime. Your Spiritual Eye, your Third Eye when activated and in good use, can make the difference between you living a purposeful life that’s peaceful as well as abundant versus when it’s shut down, blocked, and ignored causing you to live a life of distress, chaos, uncertainty, constant confusion, and even finding yourself in harms way. Have you stop to consider the possibility (to me it’s actually a fact) that when you choose to not accept and embrace your spiritual abilities you are also hindering how God (the God of your understanding) is able to communicate with you? You see, God speaks to us through our senses, our gut feeling, and also speaks to us through the spirit of discernment. But when the conduits that keeps these channels open are turned off, ignored, and denied, it makes it very difficult (if not impossible) for God, Spirit, Mother Earth, the Ancestors to warn us of what we need to know. It makes it difficult for us to make better decisions and not be governed by lower energies and vibrations that feast at our disconnect with the voice of the Creator. I  can’t help but to wonder, how many times have you said: “I  don’t want this gift”, or “I  don’t want to know”. Well, perhaps this is the reason why you also don’t know other things that are important to you. You can’t pick and choose where you want the spirit of knowledge and wisdom to show up for you. Your Third Eye is directly linked to ones awareness, intuition, ability to focus, and ones connection to Mother Earth. It is connected to our Inner Knowing as it is called. Such Inner Knowing is also connected to God when our senses are activated and nurtured. It is into our Inner Knowing where God speaks into. How many of you constantly asks yourself, “Why don’t I  ever hear God speak to me? Why don’t my ancestors speak to me?” Wrong. It is not that they don’t speak to you. It just happens to be that the connections are crossed, blocked and/or there’s major interference making it impossible for you to listen and tap in.

Find ways in which you can activate your spiritual gift(s), your Third Eye. It can be by way of spiritual (water) cleanses, herbs, teas, and even through music, songs, chants. At a more intense level though, oftentimes, when you have been called to honor your spiritual gift(s) at a higher degree, there will be a need for some form of training, initiation, rites of passage, mentorship, and specific guidance. In Afro-Cuban spiritual and religious practices, this is determined by spiritual readings, consultations, and/or some form of divinatory practice. Whichever the case may be, you must not continue to stop/block the flow. It is affecting you in a negative way and its’ effects may not always be visible early on. It can sometimes take years before you realize how the denial of such a gift(s) has altered the quality of your life and has distance you from where you were always suppose to be. Could it be possible you are shutting down your spiritual gift(s), your senses, the same way some of your deceased loved ones shut them down, and in turn, they were never able to live a true fulfilled life and died wanting/needing/deserving more, but never got there; and you are on the same route? Allow the change to take place NOW!