What Role Will Scorpio Season Play This Year In Your Life?
October 21, 2021 — 9:44 PM
My Soul Family, as Libra season gets ready to come to its’ conclusion and we gear up to welcome the powerful vibration of Scorpius, I wanted to reach out and share a few spiritual thoughts for you to consider.
Transformation and regeneration, is at the foundation of Scorpio season, as it is ruled by planet Pluto. This will be a great time period to intensely begin shifting, releasing, and purging the unwanted, what’s not needed, and the unnecessary. But more than the common familiar lingo which always sounds great but is often hard to put into practice, I would invite you to start by listing down the areas of your life you truthfully feel blocked in. This part is not difficult to do. For the most part, we all know which area of our life feels stagnant and have shown little to no progress over the years. After you have been honest with yourself about the latter, we can then begin to dissect each area by first asking yourself, “who or what has contributed to this state of inactivity in this particular section or my life”? Every thought and every behavior has an origin. Such origin is either a person, a place, a thing or all of the above. Scorpio season is about digging deep below the surface to understand the ‘why” behind many things.
Our beliefs have been molded by the people involved in our upbringing. From parents, other family members and teachers to ones community, cultural experiences, and traumatic events. And to the same degree of severity, we are also greatly influenced by the emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic and physical baggage left behind by many of our deceased loved ones and ancestors. We have a responsibility to ourselves, to investigate our own thoughts, beliefs and behaviors to see if we have been thinking, believing and acting in ways that do not support our highest self. What might have worked for mom and dad may not work for you in this current day and age. What grandmother chose to deal with, does not have to be what you accept for yourself. You also do not have to continue carrying the curses or unfinished business of your late aunt. Ignoring the burdens that comes with generational baggage, leaves you like the Seven Of Cups in Tarot, feeling in the dark, uncertain and confused.
Another observation I would like for you to explore during the upcoming Scorpion season is, your relationship with sex, sensuality and intimacy. I am not speaking in terms of having wild sex out there and becoming carelessly risky. At a deeper level, what Spirit brings to our attention during this upcoming Scorpion season, is an invitation to explore all of your greatness. When we hear the word intimacy, we automatically think about physical sex. The act of sexual intercourse. But in reality, intimacy is much more than that. Many people have sex, but few are intimate. And countless have never developed an intimate relationship with themselves, thus, interfering with how they connect with intimate partners and other people at a deeper level. Take a step forward into breaking free from the monotony that keeps things safe but lacks excitement and joy. This year’s Scorpius energy wants you to spice things up a little in your relationship dynamic with your partner but also exploring where you stand with other individuals in your life. On the other hand, if you’re not even sure where things are going nor what you want out of a particular situation, do not start something that can potentially become a constant headache for you.
Lastly, Scorpio season will be great for you to challenge yourself in learning something new. Perhaps you may want to pick up that book you’ve been putting off for a while now. Sign-up for a herbalism course or get things ready to enroll back in school. It is time to learn. There are innate talents waiting for you to give it the power it needs to flourish through you. So, if you’ve been second-guessing yourself about that craft you want to start learning about or perfect, the debate stops today. The Universe is saying GO FOR IT! A delay on your part is a delay in your blessings. This being said, I will also add that Spirit wants you to step-up in embracing your spiritual abilities. For some of you, is a matter if getting back on track with what you abandoned a long time ago. For others, it will be about picking up where your deceased loved one left off. You have an inherited spiritual gift which must be nurtured. The unnurturing behavior you give to your spiritual gifts, is precisely what could be blocking you from being prosperous. The continued resistance will not yield the results your life needs. This also applies to those of you who are not necessarily rejecting such talents, but who are afraid to embrace them because you do not trust yourself. Well, Trust God. Trust Spirit. Trust the Ancestors of Wisdom. They will not steer you in the wrong direction.
Overall, Scorpio season will have many questioning where they stand and will provoke you to dig deeper to find the answers you need. You will be motivated to ask the right person or people for what you need. This calls for making healthy connections with individuals who are valuable to your calling and purpose. Accepting what was already accepted with no visible results won’t work anymore.
Are you ready to embrace this magickal season?